Relapse is an attribute peculiar to all chronic diseases of which addiction is no exception. It is a chronic disease because it has no cure, making relapse inevitable. Thus, even when a person is in recovery from addiction, he remains at risk for relapse irrespective of how long he last used a substance.

As defined by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a disorder indicated by compulsive drug use, often despite any consequences, that leads to long-lasting changes in the brain.

Understanding the brain gets affected by addiction should make you not be so hard on yourself when you use again even after treatment has ended. You are not a failure, only a victim of addiction although, you should not use that as an excuse to keep using.

You need to take efforts to counter the disruptive effects of addiction on your brain. To do this, here are some tips that can help you:

  • Addiction Treatment Program:

Enroll with a comprehensive treatment program that will suit your needs, then be disciplined in following through with it. The importance of this is that the company of others and the nature of the treatment programs are designed to help you live free from drugs. They help you stay committed to your goal of living a drug-free life.

  • Have an aftercare plan:

You should have a support plan you will stick with after your treatment program and adhere strictly to it. It could be counseling, living in a sober living, or a kind of outpatient program available at your facility. They keep you in check and can help you prevent a relapse.

  • Regular Exercise:

Endorphins are released in your brain through exercises and they will help boost your energy and regulate your mood. This will help you deal with depression and anxiety that could cause a relapse even after recovery treatment.

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